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Rosa’s Salsa: ICORE Case Analysis

“To determine the best production method, Nick is faced with the decision to make or buy his salsa. Many factors affect this decision, such as expenses, risks, and expected costs per unit of salsa produced. Five distinct possibilities of production exist for Nick to evaluate, including three manufacturing methods and two possible outsourced suppliers. Manufacturing options comprise of fully developed automation, partially developed automation, or using existing equipment for production. Any internal manufacturing process will increase the risk of ingredient supply fluctuations as all ingredients except salt are imported from various locations in Mexico. If outsourced, the supply of salsa can come from two producers, Sierra Salsa or Foods of Monterey. By analyzing these options, we will determine which selection is the least costly and thereby the best method of production for Nick to implement. ”

“Given these two production possibilities, it is clear that while the complete automation method requires the largest initial expenditure, it generates the highest cost savings and the highest successful production rate, clearly defining it as the best solution for Nick to implement.

In reaching the figures for all of these methods of production, several assumptions needed to be made. To accurately calculate the total cost for the duration of the project, four years of production needed to be used. To adjust for sales growth, the financial growth forecast was used to inflate our initial forecasted production of 1,421,280 units. This figure was inflated 28% for year 2, 20% for year 3, and 11% for year 4 to calculate the increase in sales. We also assumed all failed batches would be reworked instead of discarded in the calculation of our expected cost. Finally, we assumed each make or buy method had comparable supply risks and fluctuations as either entire finished goods or individual ingredients needed to be imported from Mexico. ”

333 Wacker Drive
“The year was 1983; Chicago’s architecture was booming yet consisted mainly of tall box high rises and skyscrapers. Suddenly, Chicago’s architecture was changed forever with the construction of 333 Wacker Drive, Chicago’s first postmodern skyscraper. A title not easy to acquire, 333 Wacker Drive obtained this honor due to the buildings immense innovations in construction and style. Featuring a shape unlike any other, the building called for only the best in design, engineering, and materials before the construction could commence. Along with the physical aspects of the building, the new style commanded change from the existing fashion of architecture. This new style shattered the traditional glass box style of building and created something entirely new with multiple sections, angles, and shapes. With all aspects combined, 333 Wacker Drive changed Chicago’s Architecture forever by enriching it to a level never seen before. With the new standard for design the building created, every postmodern building constructed in Chicago afterward has faced 333 Wacker Drive in direct competition, yet there has not been a building created to this day that surpasses it in design and beauty.”
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