My name is Dan Uress and I am a senior at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, majoring in Management and Entrepreneurship. I would like to take a moment to formally introduce myself and supply you with a copy of my Resume Supplement so that you may learn more about the skills and qualifications I will bring if employed by your company.
As a student of the Kelley School of Business, I am enrolled in the #4 nationally ranked Management program and #11 nationally ranked Entrepreneurship program. With this education, I possess a set of abilities that will allow me to skillfully manage the training and responsibilities your company will place upon me provided I am granted a position.
After starting my own Sub Chapter S Computer Consulting Corporation during high school and maintaining it during college, I have gained a unique understanding of customer desires and needs. By shaping my solutions to fit their requirements, I have learned how to be a revenue-generating consultant while satisfying my customer’s requests. By reflecting upon my previous work experience, it can be suggested that I could exhibit a smaller learning curve, resulting in more productivity in less time. Having also participated in team building and diversity seminars, my assimilation into your existing workforce should flow very smoothly.
Before you begin, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your time and consideration of my candidacy for a position with your company. Now I invite you to discover more about the credentials and experiences detailed within this document. If you have any questions or desire any further explanations, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to speaking with you soon.
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Dan Uress - 900 E 7th Street Box 311 - Bloomington, Indiana 47405 - All Content © Dan Uress 2003